21 Years

As of yesterday, Brian and I have been together for 21 years and married for close to 17 of them!  This day usually brings me gorgeous tulips which is my absolute favorite flower ever, sometimes we can squeeze in a meal out minus kiddos, and we are also reminded how fast time flies.  I had to actually do the calculation a few times because I wasn’t sure 21 years was correct.  I’m a bit of a second guesser/double checker!  Much to Brian’s dismay.  He frequently says I have a PhD in everything.  😉

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Just to add to the ever-mounting events that make me feel old, Jake visited the middle school he will attend next year for lunch yesterday.  We are pretty sure he spent about $30 in the lunch line – chicken strips, a breaded chicken sandwich, beef jerky, donuts, and milk.  Half of which, probably made it in the trash can because he didn’t have enough time to eat after spending so much time in the line.  Let’s chalk this up to a learning experience!  I’m hoping he will take Morgan’s advice and bring his lunch each day instead!

4.17.17 Jake 5GR lunch at PRT!.jpg
Trey McKee, Jake, Nolan Sullivan at Prairie Trail Middle School


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