Beaver Creek 2021

After last years debacle of a ski trip, we decided to give it a go again this year. With a change of location to Beaver Creek and a switch to the February school conference break rather than Spring Break, we packed up (with a million sandwiches of course!) and headed to CO. We stopped in Manhattan to spend some fun time with cousins. An awesome time was had by all and we may or may not have stayed up super late with some cocktails and booked a trip to Scotland that we don’t remember booking. ha! We’re blaming Dawn on that one 😉

Scotland here we come!!

Watch these dance moves in the YouTube links below — they are on point!

We got up very early to get on the road to Colorado and our navigator, Brian, did an amazing job while the rest of us were snoozing and watching screens. We have to admit, the new ride is not quite as roomy and comfortable as the minivan. We were packed to the top and we had even sent a couple of totes of ski gear with my brother. Yikes!

We escaped some brutal Kansas temps and made it to the mountains where the weather was quite a bit nicer. A stop in Idaho Springs for Beau Joe’s Pizza was a big hit for everyone.

The wind was awful and I took two pictures. In the first one Morgan had her eyes closed and in this one, Drew looks ridiculous. I mean come on peeps, get with the program. After all these years of going to CO and finally stopping for a picture at this sign, and this is the best we can do!? Lesson learned: take more than 2 pics!

After arriving in Beaver Creek, we rented our equipment and then set out for a fun evening in Dillon, CO, dinner and the Ice Castles. Super cool tourist attraction!

Our hotel – the Sheraton Mountain Vista Villas, Avon/Vail Valley

Jake was missing a rivalry high school basketball game that we were very sad to miss but we were watching it live online (see Jake below staring at his phone). The timing of this trip did not work out in our favor on that one. Go Ravens!

It was 9pm in the evening so the lighting was not ideal for picture taking, but take my word for it, that it’s worth seeing. The ice slides are really fun (YouTube video links below) and it was snowing so beautifully but the drive back to Beaver Creek was a bit treacherous, it was slow-going and Brian was gripping the wheel tightly, but we made it without any problems. Whew!

The next morning we got up early to catch the bus up to the mountain. There was a lot of fresh powder snow and we really enjoyed our time up there. It was beautiful and a lot of nice runs. I did manage to fall off the lift at one point and completely wipe out Reece and Drew but we’re all ok! Just our pride hurt more than anything. Brian had just said…they have to keep stopping the lift for beginners that are falling off the lift. Well folks, I’m not actually a beginner, I’ve been skiing now a lot of times and some how I crossed my skis or got my pole caught. Who knows what was happening but an employee had to help me get my ski off as I was trying to grab my phone that flew out of my pocket and into the snow. I would love to have some video footage of that hot mess!

After a meal at Bob’s Place, just steps out of our hotel, we laughed at so many things. Morgan was laughing so hard at one point that her water was going everywhere and the waitress was teasing Greg about getting milkshakes at Burger King while Brian was giving her trouble for her beer pitcher filling skills. Don’t even ask. Our group is a funny one!

Day two of skiing was a success as well (minus a slight mishap in the trees by Morgan). It was Valentine’s Day so I spent half the day at the spa and it was absolutely glorious! I came back to the mountain to hook up with Reece and Collin and we did a little shopping and enjoyed the firepit at the base of the lift and some wonderful sunlight too! I enjoy skiing and love the beautiful scenery, but I’m certainly not out there to challenge myself, so I’m about to be skiing by myself. This granny likes to leisurely stroll down the slopes!

Again, everyone was exhausted on our way back to Denver to cut a few hours off our drive the next day. Some of us had a lovely valentines day dinner out while others chose to eat Raising Cane’s at the hotel. We were trying to get back for practice and school which ended up cancelling due to below zeros temps. It was brutally cold, so much so, that the inside of our car was frosting on the drive.

I should also mention I did not abandon my tradition of doing Valentines Breakfast for my kids. It’s one of my very favorite things to do. So amidst a long and yucky allergy appointment that morning; we did do our breakfast and also discovered that Drew is allergic to pretty much everything in nature! ugh! So sorry Drew!

And my baby girl attended her last grade school valentines party! One I was unable to attend due to Covid. It’s really hard to have these “lasts” and not be able to be there. And although she is growing up and not fascinated by cute little valentines anymore, I still love it and tried my best 🙂 and also thankful for a couple pictures and videos from her teacher.

And meet Corinne…Jake’s sweet valentine of 3 months

Hoping we get to explore another mountain again in the future and share fun times with our loved ones. Maybe we can also shed the masks and see peoples facial expressions again and go to school like normal! I’m hopeful! Come on Spring…we’re ready for you!


The start to 2021 has been a tough one. As we said goodbye to someone very dear to us, and struggled with quarantining, we were not going to forgo celebrating Drew turning 13! He’s a TEEN! And he’s one of the best thirteen year old’s out there! To know him is to love him. I promise that. He has a heart of gold, a love of sports and cheeseburgers, rattles off stats, checks fantasy football, plays PS4 with his buddies, and still makes time for snuggles. He makes friends with young to old and we adore him!

His expectations for a birthday celebration are never large demands. He will gladly take what is offered to him among time constraints, a birthday just following a big holiday, and smack dab in the middle of Winter. This year we decided to try Axe-Throwing! Without gathering too many people and trying to be covid-responsible, we grabbed a few friends and some lumberjack decorations, and had the best time! Party tip: you can make any inexpensive, plain cake super cute and festive with your own decorations. I found these fake deer antlers in a 75% off Christmas bin at the craft store. I snatched them up without hesitation and knew I could find a use for them. Along with some buffalo plaid and little wood logs….party theme complete!

Time was short with everything we had going on, so we dropped invitations off with plaid cloth masks of course! We had to match…I mean come on!? If we must wear them, lets stick with the party theme and dress the part!

The kids had an absolute blast and in fact, the next day, Drew’s friend Carter was so inspired, he created an axe-throwing station in his basement! Way to go Carter!

We love you Drewy and celebrating your birthday was just the thing we needed to brighten our month! Can’t wait to see the awesome things you do this year!!

One of his besties and fellow KU Jayhawks fan, Uncle Scott, decided to schedule a work meeting during the party so he was in big trouble, but we were able to get Brian’s dad there and all of the kids were so sweet to him! He took a strong liking to the cheese curds on the menu and we may or may not have cleaned out the kitchen of curds! It was so cute!

His big gift was a set of AirPods but I think he was more excited about the clock radio and socks he received (he’s a bit of a grandpa, ha!) Love you to the moon DREW BOO!

And if you have 20 minutes, here is a link to his ‘Year in Review’ Birthday Video!