Organizing & Selling

One of the things that we have to do around here is change out our closets seasonally.  Our closets are quite small in our home so we cannot keep all of our clothes in the closet all year long.  This is particularly critical in the boys’ room since they have to share space.  On my second ‘day off’ as I call it since all 4 are in school all day, I immediately started in on the boys room.  I can’t sit and relax for long without feeling super guilty that I’m not accomplishing anything.  I actually dread this closet clean-out process more than anything!  It’s horrible!  But it’s totally necessary and it feels great when it’s done.

I removed every solitary item out of their drawers, baskets, closet rods….everything…sorted through all of it.  It took me all day and most of the evening.  IMG_5191.JPGAnd this actually is when I had already made a lot of progress.  I’m kicking myself for not taking a picture earlier on in the process!!

unnamed (2)All of this stuff was found in the crack of their bunkbeds…really guys?…really?  Who needs this many baseballs to go to sleep?

These stinkers have A LOT of clothing!  Super lucky!  If I had this much to choose from, I would look cute everyday! But I don’t.  You find me in my workout clothes 99% of the time.

I had these drawers in tip top shape and I labeled them with sticky notes so they would know exactly what to put where.  It’s imperative they stick with this organization or it won’t all fit!!  And then within a day or two I’ll go in there and want to cry because they’ve messed it up and I can’t stand the clutter.  UUUGGGHH!!  Boys, please keep with the system for my sanity and so you learn how to live like a decent person.  I’m trying to teach you something here.  Please….I’m begging you!!


After all of this closet clean-out and reorganizing occurs, then it’s time for me to consign all of it.  For some reason, years ago, my neighbor talked me into selling my old baby/kids stuff in consignment sales.  Oh I wish she would’ve never told me about it!  It’s the WORST job.  I hate it worse than the actual cleaning out!  I do it once in the Fall and once in the Spring and I cuss it out every single time!  It monopolizes all of my time with my family and I’m stuck in my dining room sorting, sizing, entering info into a tagging system, pinning, and tagging clothes while my family is probably out to dinner having lemonades and hot pretzels with cheese.



This is my van loaded for drop off earlier this week….300+ items.



My sis-n-law helps me every sale unload all of this stuff, hang it up by size and get everything on the sales floor.  She’s a lifesaver!  I couldn’t do that part without her…she saves me hours of time.  Thank you Aunt Jenn, you are so awesome!  By the way, I think they are starting to know her on a first name basis at the sale…I’m not so sure she is proud of that!?  I’m pretty sure she knows when the next sale is and she will be planning an out of town trip or coming down with a bad case of the flu on that date.  I don’t blame you Jenn, I might be doing the same thing!

So happy that all of this stuff is out of my house!  I’m not sure how it keeps multiplying but as long as it’s organized I’m a happy girl.


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