Unicorns, Hair, and Barbies

We have our first day of school in the books.  I have a to do list a mile long from the last 13 years and I am plugging away at it and still feeling like I haven’t made much progress.  I’m guessing pretty much everyone on the planet feels this same way and I’m going to cut myself some slack since I’m only 4 days in.  Reece seems to be adjusting like a champ to all day school.  I wish I could be a champ like her…what’s the secret!?  I think the secret is she gets to sit with her besties in her classroom, go to recess, eat lunch with friends, learn a few cool things, and still gets to play with a unicorn before and after school.  Jealous.IMG_5210IMG_5209Reece and Star Lily Unicorn waiting for the bus…

My hair expert (Morgan) is on the DL with her broken wrist so I’m trying my very best to make Reece presentable for school.  Actually, I’m kind of proud of myself with today’s hair do!  MoMo, I hope you approve.


And if she needs a change of pace, Reece always makes good use of anything she can find to serve as a gymnastics apparatus for Barbies.  This happens to be a pile of stuff from my master bedroom that I don’t know what to do with and is currently dangerously cluttering our entryway.  I promise to get to it.  promise.  And if I don’t…Reece you have acquired an awesome gymnastics bar for your dolls.  Love you to pieces. XOXO


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