First Day of School – Round 2


It’s Morgan’s turn…1st day of 8th grade!  She doesn’t wear makeup often but today we decided we should touch her up a bit to hide her bike accident scratches.  Isn’t she precious?  She was face-timing with her friend Emma last night on what to wear to school today.   Oh I remember those days!  Great memories!  She’s still having some pain in her arm and I’m worrying about her every second but I know she will push through.  Four weeks from now she’ll be a professional 8th grader, healed, and a few pounds lighter on the right arm.  MoMo, we hope you have an AWESOME day today!!

Here are Ava & Brooke again (our big high-schoolers) and all the girls in our driveway breakfast group this morning…IMG_1475.JPGIMG_1477.JPG

Abby & Lauren Stout (6th grade) Morgan, Reece, & Olivia

and here are the boys (minus Conor Stout who was sick).  Feel better Conor!

Aidan, Jack Stout, Drew, Jake, Jack Dearmore, Jackson Mervosh

I absolutely cannot resist our littlest crew.  Max Stowell & Olivia are in Kindergarten and Reece 1st grade.  I’m pretty sure these 3 are going to rule the school by Friday.  Hope the teachers are ready!IMG_1486.JPGBye MoMo…you will be missed my sweet girl (I forgot to take a picture of you actually getting on the bus because I was chatting…you really are on that bus).   Don’t forget to be nice to the bus driver!


My kids might explode if they hear me say that one more time.  I’m trying to explain that the bus driver has a really important and super hard job so we need to treat them well and pretty much butter them up!  A lot of kids are not nice to bus drivers and then the drivers get crabby (I would too!) and makes for a bad bus experience.  I’ll be quiet now about the bus drivers.  Until tomorrow morning…

Drew was not in the best frame of mind this morning because it was a P.E. day and he wanted to wear ‘sports clothes.’  I only allow them to wear sports clothes on their P.E. days which gets categorized as pure torture around here.  I really wanted him to wear a nice outfit on Morgan’s first day so I made a deal that he could wear sports clothes an extra day next week.  I also make them take fruit for their school ‘re-fueling’ snack and don’t allow electronics on the bus.  I know…I know…worst mom ever.


Drew Boo…you look so handsome!  I hope I haven’t completely ruined your day.  I know you are going to have an awesome school year!

IMG_1472.JPGYou guys look great!!IMG_1480.JPG

I’m not going to lie, it’s been a rough morning for me.  This is my first full day with all of my kids in school.  I keep tearing up and trying to pull it together.  I always wish for more time.  I’m not good with idle time, I always feel like I should be getting something accomplished.  So I sit here with a list a mile long of things I have wanted to get to over the last 13 years, it’s almost 2pm. and I already need to leave in 40 minutes to get Morgan.  I can’t wait to see her and I’ll be waiting by the door for the bus to pull up so I can take in the other 3 and drill them with questions about their day.  Sorry guys…mom’s want to know every little detail…get used to it, it’s just the way life is.  I hope your day was awesome and hoping each day will get a little easier for me too.  I did manage to get a golf lesson in today and poor Chris is probably exhausted after being with me talking about my kids and Morgan’s accident.  Sorry Chris…next time I promise I will focus.

Happy first FULL day of school!!

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