Take me to the beach

This actually happened several months ago but I was inspired to write about it today.  Most of you know that it’s very hard for me to admit that my kids are growing up!  It’s particularly hard for me to accept that my baby is no longer a baby.  I’m one of those weird people who actually likes all the baby gear…the strollers, the pack-n-plays, baby swings, carseats, and cribs.  The fact that I no longer heave around one of those awkward infant seats into stores and ball games and throwing my back out in the process, makes me super sad.  Ask my kids…every time I see a newborn in public I am immediately staring and wishing I had one.  Ugh…what is wrong with me!?  Don’t worry, there are no more babies coming in this household but I may have a future in volunteering to hold babies at a hospital sometime (thank you Jamie B. for your advice on that!).  This was Reece’s room when she came home from the hospital in May 2010…

This is a picture of Reece when we turned her crib into a toddler bed in July 2013 (look at her sweet face!)

7.21.13 Reece's big girl bed! (2).JPG

My baby had been trapped in a toddler bed probably for too long because I couldn’t face up to the fact that she needed to be in a big girl bed.  So, we completely redesigned her bedroom and she is now in an appropriately sized bed!  She is also a complete disaster.  She does not clean up, she keeps every little treasure she finds, and stashes stuff in every crevice and corner.  Oh how this completely drives a person like me absolutely INSANE!  And she may be a little spoiled because she’s the baby!  This means she has A LOT of stuff.  Check out this picture and you will see how she likes to live vs. how I like to live…

3.20.15 Reece's Messy Room Transformation

And I just had to throw these pictures in because it cracks me up!  Who can sleep with this much stuff!?!?

3.13.14 Reece LOTS of bedtime friends (2)

3.13.14 Reece LOTS of bedtime friends (1)

And all of this STUFF came out of that room!  WHAT!?  How is it possible?

11.19.15 This came out of Reece's Room!!

With the amazing help of my friend Jen and my mom, we transformed this tiny room into a beach-themed  paradise. I absolutely love it and I love the beach!  Probably more than Reece does.  I think she prefers a pig pen!  The road sign includes locations that she has been super lucky enough to visit in her 6 years.  Reecie, I hope you enjoy this new space to call your own and you let me hang out in there with you…love you to bits!





Thank you dad for finding those old fence posts for her sign!!  And I had some great painters helping me…

12.30.15 Reece's bedroom art! (1)

I totally agonized over the perfect color of coral!  Oh shoot…and the gray.  I think the painters actually had to paint the gray twice because I changed it after they painted it the first time.  oops!

This is a rendering sketch that our friend Jen did of the room and it is precious to Reece.  She loves it.  She even took it to Kindergarten to show her class and teacher.  She’s too funny!

11.17.16 Reece room plan_JenH

This was her first night in her new bed…now she looks so small!  It won’t be long and she will fill up that bigger bed (most likely with stuffed animals!)

Sleep tight Reecie Cups…


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